
Marcial Fuenmayor

The impact of making brands with value visible

Brands, today more than ever, must be visible, project themselves to the rhythm of the changes and needs of their consumers, while expanding their influence as agents of change and co-responsible, sustainable and sustainable entities.

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Huevo de dinosaurio
Marcial Fuenmayor

The new professions, AI and its importance in the short term

In the previous installment and due to the furor caused by the dinoprofessionals; cute dinosaurs viralized on social networks, we demystify the supposed and “massive” imminent disappearance of various professions, due to displacement due to the use of applied artificial intelligence. In this installment, we analyze which are those “new” professions that are here to stay and develop hand in hand with AI, and what are the changes that they will bring about in the world in the short term.

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Marcial Fuenmayor

The impact of STARTCO 2023

POW IDEA was present at STARCO 2023, the largest and most important startup event in all of Latin America, and here we tell you first-hand what are the main innovations in the sector and their short-term impact.

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Marcial Fuenmayor

The club tournament has arrived

Hand in hand with The Field PTY will take place in Panama, one of the sporting events with the most visibility and growth in recent years. If you want you and your team to be able to participate and win in this outstanding sporting event, stay with us, and we’ll tell you about it here.

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