Successful organizations guide their strategic plans taking into account their internal dimension for the successful achievement of their organizational objectives. Pow Ideas has given great importance to the creation and progressive strengthening of an organizational culture based on a structure of solid values, favoring synergistic cooperative relationships, in the articulation of reticular systems of integrated management. In other words, Pow is teamwork for success. This premise does not remain in the abstract, because it is an effort whose result is made tangible through an organizational climate of excellence, which predominates fluidity, relevance and global cohesion; in each of the developed projects.
What is the secret to building and developing this value-added organizational culture?
The answer is simple, and it is none other than believing in the team, in its human and professional capacities, believing that investment in its valuation, growth and development is necessary, as an integrating policy for success. As part of these policies, specific activities are developed, whose impact translates into morale and the sense of belonging, and transversally; in increasing productivity. In this line, a program of recognitions and gratifications oriented to the work team stands out; among which the quarterly gastronomic celebration stands out, a special event, in which the achievements and successes achieved by the team are celebrated, around a lunch in selected places to celebrate together.
The last 2022 gastronomic celebration of the team took place last Saturday, November 5 and simultaneously in the cities of Maracaibo, Caracas and Bogotá.
Pow Maracaibo met to eat a good plantain, arepas with grilled chicken and delicious hamburgers in @bocanas.steak. They celebrated with some light soleras, YOU KNOW! for the diet”
In Pow Caracas, they repeated the venue of the meeting from two years ago. The food and excellent service @puerkosvzla they made them come back. YUMMY FRIED PIG! The people from Caracas shouted. New from this meeting? The new member was introduced in society… The beautiful Emma, gave more shine to the evening of the Caraqueño team.
For its part, Pow Bogotá celebrated the Mexican in the beautiful location of the restaurant @entrecuates. Live music, excellent service and delicious Mexican food made the POW Bogotá meeting a happy and very CHINGÓN Saturday! HURRAY MEXICO!
This is really notorious, since it shows the possible cohesion, through a solid organizational culture, which transcends the fact of physical distance, in favor of the growth of the unity of common corporate and organizational codes for all. If you want official Pow Ideas networks.